6 Ways Living Sustainably Can Protect Animals

Sustainability | The Good Tee

We all care about our furry friends, so how does sustainable living make a positive impact on animals? So, why it is important? Animals and plants aren't simply valuable for their own sake; they also contribute to a larger natural ecosystem that may serve as a source of food, shelter, and water for other creatures as well as humans. 

Animals are typically given less credit than they deserve for their contribution to preserving a healthy ecosystem. One species' extinction can have a knock-on effect that damages entire ecosystems irreparably and frequently goes unnoticed. One million species of animals are in danger of going extinct. Extinction of these animals will have enormous and irreversible environmental impacts. Imagine a plant-eating insect going extinct, allowing the once controlled plant population to go unregulated and suffocate other plant species. In turn, the animals that relied on the other plants for food or shelter do not have enough food and are in danger of going extinct.

So how can we protect animals? These are six simple sustainable changes you can make in your day to help and support them.

  1. Shop Responsibly

    Think twice before you buy. We know that inexpensive, fast clothing is easy to get your hands on, but we should consider how much the clothing may impact wildlife and the environment. Your fast fashion clothing will quickly go out of style, but sustainable clothing will last you longer and allow you to wear it seasonally. At The Good Tee, we sell seasonally wearable styles that will last you a very long time!

    Clothing | The Good Tee

  2. Pick up trash & don't litter

    By keeping the environment clean, actions like picking up rubbish and refraining from littering can greatly benefit wildlife. Garbage puts animals at risk because small creatures can get caught in or wounded by plastic, which makes them easy prey. The number of animals that perish as a result of trash is heartbreaking. 

    Don't litter | The Good Tee

    Waste contaminates the planet's natural resources. Be good, throw away your trash, don’t litter, do your part!

  3. Spread Awareness & Get Involved

    Teach your friends and family about the benefits of choosing sustainable options. Try to warn them and make them more aware of their actions if you can't persuade them to stop their wasteful habits then educate them about the benefits of purchasing eco-friendly goods and avoiding littering.

    Awareness - The Good Tee


    Along with telling those around you, use social media to raise awareness for endangered animals. The best way to inform people about current events is to share posts and videos on those platforms among your followers.

  4. Help Out the Community

    One of the easiest things you can do to support the conservation of wildlife is to volunteer with organizations in your area! You can volunteer and work to restore national parks, grasslands, and coastal ecosystems. Even a few hours a week of your time can make a significant impact on wildlife! The earth has done so much for us, it is only right that we dedicate some of our free time each week to helping it.

    Community | The Good Tee

  5. Make your Yard Wildlife Friendly

    Growing plants is a wonderful way to prevent bees and butterflies from extinction. In your yard, you may grow native varieties of flowers, trees, and shrubs to provide food, shelter, and a place for wild animals to raise their families.

    You can build bird feeders, and plant natural milkweed to aid the survival of monarch butterflies that are endangered. It is a great hobby that serves as a haven for small animals on windy winter days as well as for the animals' delight on bright, sunny days. Our natural cotton clothing at The Good Tee is made from plants, demonstrating how we too employ plants to benefit the environment.

    Wildlife | The Good Tee


  6. Avoid Harmful Chemicals

    For aesthetics we may turn to chemical pest control and grass growth stimulants, but these can be quite detrimental to important wildlife that are good for the environment. At all costs, we should refrain from utilizing them to protect animals. Fertilizers frequently end up in water sources, where they contaminate rivers and streams, lead to toxic algae blooms, and damage aquatic life. Instead, choose organic fertilizers like compost or animal manure and natural pest management to deter pests from your garden. 

    Sustainability | The Good Tee


Understanding wildlife and how to help them is crucial since it contributes to a wider natural ecosystem. If you disregard any concern about wildlife, care about yourself because we are the next species in danger. Although it may seem like a long way off, mass extinction is actually very close by. Together, we must create a better world and future for both our generation and those to follow. Take a look at our Good Blog for more eco-friendly inspo!


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